Blog: A Student Partnership
A critical component to the student partnership, is the relationship students have with each other. A healthy and productive classroom is one in which the students not only get along with each other, but also are able to encourage and learn from one another.
To enable this relationship, teachers promote a number of activities within the classroom, which is a fundamental goal in our Health curriculum. It’s also an essential aim within each teaching lesson.
Throughout the year, students are given enormous opportunities to bond together and develop positive working and social relationships. This is often a characteristic of field trips students take, where they share common experiences outside the four walls of the classroom.
Our Fifth Grade students, recently spent some time at Nethy Bridge Educational Centre. Prior to their trip, each fifth grader set personal goals to achieve at the Centre. Each day the goals were reviewed collectively in a session fondly referred to as ‘Shout Outs’. As a participant, it was magical to observe the fifth graders complimenting each other for individual achievements. A culture of co-operation and encouragement was firmly established through the week of activities.
Throughout the Elementary School the children set personal goals in class. It's hoped that students are making important decisions and taking ownership about how they can best impact their own education and social relationships.
Some memorable quotes from the fifth graders this week:
“I loved jumping in the cold water – it made me feel how special nature is.”
“That was the best lasagne I ever had.”
“I liked designing, building and riding our own raft,”
“I made a lot of new friends this week.”
“I got over my fear of spiders.”
“I loved the bonfire and eating smores.”
“The trip reminded me of something I read, ‘When you are doing a task picture that you are aiming for the moon and if you miss you land beyond the stars.”