Celebrating our outstanding exam results!
We are thrilled to announce, that our talented students are among the top students in the world after beating worldwide grade point averages and receiving a 100% pass rate.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) published this year’s exam results for the IB Diploma Programme (DP), which shows the average points per ISA student is 38 – the worldwide average typically sits between 29 and 30 points.
More than 17,000 students across the world received their IB results this month. The newly published results, which come from the May 2021 exam session, also reveal that two of our students earned 45 points – the maximum possible score for the diploma, while three students scored 44 points.
Commenting on the results, our Head of School, Nick Little said:
“The achievements of our new IB graduates are truly outstanding and we are incredibly proud of how hard they have all worked during a difficult year for teachers and students alike.
The fact that we have three students scoring 44 points and two achieving 45 points is a fantastic result and a testament to the commitment of our students and the dedication of our teaching staff.
I am very grateful to all our teachers and support staff who have gone above and beyond throughout the pandemic to ensure all students were given the support they needed to succeed.”
The IB is a pre-university qualification highly regarded by universities in the UK and around the world. The programme challenges students from the ages to 3 to 19 to excel in their studies and encourages both personal and academic achievement. The IB helps students build their critical thinking skills, nurtures their curiosity and their ability to solve complex problems.
Nick further adds:
“While we are immensely proud of our students achieving high scores, we are full of pride for each one of our students. ISA is about students maximising their own potential whether that be taking the route to university or not. ISA offers all students a range of opportunities and each child is encouraged to have their own aspirations and to follow their own path.”
We have had further cause for celebration this week as our student, Scott Scoular, 17, who is from both Norway and Scotland, has completed the IB programme and will begin studying Jurisprudence at Lincoln College, Oxford, in September.
Commenting on his experience of the IB programme at our school, Scott said:
“The International Baccalaureate is challenging and diverse and it has kept me motivated to continue learning. The IB has prepared me for the next step in my academic career and I am grateful for the opportunity to develop a range of skills needed for University.”
Jennifer Grogan, our DP Co-ordinator, said:
“The IB offers a varied and balanced education to prepare our students to become independent thinkers with good interpersonal skills. As well as preparing students for the challenge of university, an IB education at ISA enables students to thrive in a fast-changing global economy.
We are thrilled with this year’s results and to be able to help our students thrive and set the foundations for successful future careers makes all the months of uncertainty and hard work entirely worth it.”
Our successful IB exam results come just weeks after our announcement that the school has been shortlisted in the student wellbeing category of the 2021 independent Schools of the Year Awards. The award recognises the promotion of student well-being at the hart of a school’s ethos and something which: “informs and underpins the life of the whole-school community.”