Introducing SPERO, our original 5-part Sci-Fi audio drama!
Welcome to SPERO, our original 5-part Sci-Fi audio drama brought to you by ISA in collaboration with Ten Feet Tall Academy.
Over several weeks, a group of Middle and High School students worked closely (virtually) with Ten Feet Tall Academy to ‘launch’ themselves into the world of voice acting and audio drama to produce the 5-part series.
Mark Wood, from Ten Feet Tall Academy says:
“These sessions were great fun, and I am so happy and excited to share all the students’ hard work and creativity with the wider community at ISA. A massive thank you to the participants, I’m sure you’ll be impressed with the standard of performance you delivered.”
So without further ado, we give you SPERO….
….If you are reading this then you’ve made it, your new home, your next chapter; man kind’s new beginning…
…Your voyage from Earth to the Alpha Centauri system is complete and your mission will begin soon…But it CAN’T.
Something is critically wrong with your ship… Awoken early from hyper stasis the crew on board Spero have to uncover why they’ve been awoken by “Sentient” the ships AI computer.
Will they make it?
Will they succeed?
Click below to listen and find out….