Students take part ISA Digital Citizens Week
Technology has never been more important than it is right now, as the current pandemic has seen us all increase our use of digital tools to adapt to a new way of life.
On the plus side, technology is helping to bring us together in a time when we cannot physically, however there are many dangers and pitfalls that must be considered. At ISA, we believe learning how to exist and thrive in a fast-paced digital world is fundamental and we actively prepare children on the how technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
This week our students have been taking part in ‘ISA Digital Citizenship 2021’ so they can hone their skills, understandings, and behaviours to ensure they are safe in a globally connected online world.
All our activities are centred around behaviour, reputation, safety and balance and will cover a wide range of topics including screen time, ticks and scams, email etiquette, digital footprint, cyberbullying, social media and friendships, influencers, radicalisation, fake news and much, much more.